Genshin Impact
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Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup

Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup

Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup
A steamed egg dish. The clear, gold colors of the egg custard have been embellished with several lotus roots. Regardless of whether it is breakfast or a post-meal snack, its superior nutritional value can greatly nourish the body.
Default unlock
Recipe category
Cook type
"Adventurer's Dish"
Cook method
Cook maxproficiency
Result items
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Specialty characters
Specialty characters
Yun Jin
Term rarity
Input items
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Recipe item
Recipe: Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup
Items in_recipe
Items in_recipe
Lotus Head
Items in_recipe
Bird Egg
Items in_recipe
Suspicious Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup
Items in_recipe
Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup
Items in_recipe
Delicious Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup
Items in_recipe
Items in_recipe
Cloud-Shrouded Jade
Furniture in_recipe
Weapons in_recipe