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Summer Night's Bloom
A man-made flower in eternal bloom. Who knows if there truly is life in there?
Desc flavor
A summer festival flower that blooms forever,
That will not wilt even if buried deep below the snow.That will not wilt even if buried deep below the snow.

Some may label it an imitation, an false life,
For life lies in change, pain and growth,
In meetings, and also in partings.

But the memories of meeting her,
Of watching the fireworks bloom in the sky like fresh flowers together,
The memories of that foxy-eyed woman who eventually disappeared without a trace...
That unwithering flower is the final thing to remember her by.

In the end, the difference comes down to the fact that for some,
Life is as eternal as this undying summer bloom,
But for most, it is as transient as smoke.
Artifact set
Retracing Bolide
Term artifacttype
Flower of Life