Genshin Impact
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Maiden's Heart-stricken Infatuation

Maiden's Heart-stricken Infatuation

Maiden's Heart-stricken Infatuation
A feathered accessory that carries the longing for a certain someone, like a migratory bird on the wind.
Desc flavor
An old but delicate feathered ornament.
After many years, it is now covered in layers of dust.

For the maiden, time stopped still the day she met the knight.
Nothing mattered to her anymore, not even love and youth.
She sought him constantly, wandering far like a lost bird without a nest to cling to.

"May my love reach the knight," she prayed.
Meanwhile, the knight dedicated himself to the pursuit of chivalry.
In a distant land where ancient empires crumbled,
Would the knight see the scenery she dreamt of?
Artifact set
Maiden Beloved
Term artifacttype
Plume of Death