
Bygone phantasm is similar to an infinite abyss if you're familiar with Genshin Impact where with each level you have to fight varying mobs and with each increase in floor you gain a reward corresponding with that increase. You have unlimited chances to do these but the big rewards are reset once a week and later refreshed. To access it go to the double sword icon and then challenge.

You have unlimited chances to do these but the big rewards are reset once a week and later refreshed.


Advancement moduleAdvancement module

Three main rewards that are given our per every 3 levels that you advance in Bygone Phantasm. You gain either Booster modules, advancement modules or dark crystals. Since you cannot buy a lot of advancement modules from the shop this is the incentive to place fairly well in bygone phantasm as you can get ahead of other players gear wise.

In addition to the normal rewards however you do get rewards for your placement within a group of player's current Bygone Phantasm level and time. The image above indicates here that I am ranked level 6 in my group.

This would be the rewards given depending on the placements given. If you finish in the above the bottom 10 then you will be promoted into a easier lobby the next week that it resets.

End of the week the rewards will be given out depending on your placement and your lobby difficulty will once again depend on your placement.


Weapon Bonuses

Weapons are given bonuses and are rotated on a daily schedule. The higher the levels go the boost is given towards more weapons. I would suggest generally using the weapon if possible and then remember to click on the weapon card so you get the damage boost within the floor. Of course in practice always keep in mind your team composition when it comes to factoring if using such bonuses is beneficial to you personally.

Remember all weapons are temporarily maxed our in level in Bygone Phantasm so use those weapons and their best Matrices even if they're not leveled.

Oddly support weapons also gain +50% to the damage increase they get while defensive weapons gain +20% defense in addition to their damage increase.


  • Indicated by the picture above there is a time limit set for each floor, you have 5 minutes before going into the void to prepare or wait for cooldowns to end.

Once you start the battle you are given 2:30 minutes to clear the wave or boss.

Every 5 waves you encounter a boss wave but every other wave you'll just have a random assortment of mobs.

Your Health is Reset

However your charge is not.


Use your Relics

pictured above using void relic

You are free to use your damaging relics so make sure to use them as the utility from them can be great. An issue however with the game is that the cooldown on the relics do not reset when you are put into a new level however

If you have enough time, charge your bar

If you have a lot of time left then charge your weapon bar is you know you're going to be approaching a boss floor.

Abuse perfect dodges

Reference of me dodging before the yellow flash indicating it's the perfect time to dodge.

You're going to really want to learn how to perfect dodge a lot of enemies to advance through the floors as you'll be able to discharge and increase your overall damage output.