Genshin Impact
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Wind's Grand Ode
Max charges
Energy value
Ignore cd reduction
Skill desc
Fires off an arrow made of countless coalesced winds, creating a huge Stormeye that sucks in opponents and deals continuous Anemo DMG.
Elemental Absorption
If the Stormeye comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro, it will deal additional elemental DMG of that type.
Elemental Absorption may only occur once per use.
Many hymns written in praise of the Anemo Archon have been lost to time. This one sings of his mastery over the wind.
Term element
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Characters with_talent
Characters with_talent
Items for_talent
Items for_talent
Crown of Insight
Items for_talent
Teachings of Ballad
Items for_talent
Guide to Ballad
Items for_talent
Philosophies of Ballad
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Slime Condensate
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Slime Secretions
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Slime Concentrate
Items for_talent
Tail of Boreas