Genshin Impact
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Midnight Phantasmagoria

Midnight Phantasmagoria

Midnight Phantasmagoria
Max charges
Energy value
Ignore cd reduction
Skill desc
Summons Oz to spread his twin wings of twilight and defend Fischl.
Has the following properties during the ability's duration:
·Fischl takes on Oz's form, greatly increasing her Movement Speed.
·Strikes nearby opponents with lightning, dealing Electro DMG to opponents she comes into contact with. Each opponent can only be struck once.
·Once this ability's effects end, Oz will remain on the battlefield and attack his Prinzessin's foes. If Oz is already on the field, then this will reset the duration of his presence.
"...In the hordes of beasts that follow the cursed blood, only Prince Nachtraben, who bore witness to the extinction of a thousand worlds, knows her true greatness. Thus the night wings he spreads are his eternal promise to protect Her Royal Highness."
—Flowers for Princess Fischl (I): End Time Zersetzung
Term element
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Level up_cost
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Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Characters with_talent
Characters with_talent
Items for_talent
Items for_talent
Firm Arrowhead
Items for_talent
Sharp Arrowhead
Items for_talent
Weathered Arrowhead
Items for_talent
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Items for_talent
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Philosophies of Ballad
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