Genshin Impact
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Jade-Claimed Flower
Ignore cd reduction
Skill desc
If Hanega: Song of the Wind comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro when it is unleashed, this instance of the Windfavored state will obtain buffs according to the contacted element(s):
·Hydro: Kuugoryoku Point cap increases by 20.
·Pyro: ATK increases by 30%.
·Cryo: CRIT Rate increases by 20%.
·Electro: When Normal and Charged Attacks hit an opponent, 0.8 Energy will be restored. Energy can be restored this way once every 0.2s.

You can have up to 2 different kinds of these buffs simultaneously.
Talent parameters
Level up_cost
Characters with_talent
Characters with_talent
Items for_talent