Genshin Impact
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Heartstopper Strike
Max charges
Ignore cd reduction
Skill desc
Wields the swift winds to launch a Heartstopper Strike that deals Anemo DMG.
Charges energy to unleash an even stronger blow. He will obtain the Declension effect while charging, which will increase the power of the Heartstopper Strike. When the skill button is released or the skill finishes charging, he will strike forward, dealing Anemo DMG.
Increases the power of the next Heartstopper Strike. Max 4 stacks.
When you possess 4 Declension stacks, the Conviction effect will be produced, which will cause the next Heartstopper Strike to be even stronger and have a larger AoE.
This seemingly ordinary strike contains Heizou's desire for criminals to honestly confess and repent.
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Characters with_talent
Characters with_talent
Shikanoin Heizou
Items for_talent
Items for_talent
Crown of Insight
Items for_talent
Teachings of Transience
Items for_talent
Guide to Transience
Items for_talent
Philosophies of Transience
Items for_talent
Treasure Hoarder Insignia
Items for_talent
Silver Raven Insignia
Items for_talent
Golden Raven Insignia
Items for_talent
The Meaning of Aeons