Genshin Impact
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Dandelion Breeze
Max charges
Energy value
Ignore cd reduction
Skill desc
Calling upon the wind's protection, Jean creates a swirling Dandelion Field, launching surrounding opponents and dealing Anemo DMG.
At the same time, she instantly regenerates a large amount of HP for all party members. The amount of HP restored scales off Jean's ATK.
Dandelion Field
·Continuously regenerates HP of characters within the AoE and continuously imbues them with Anemo.
·Deals Anemo DMG to opponents entering or exiting the Dandelion Field.
Jean's magnanimity is as vast as the dandelion fields, and it is the root of her wish to protect others.
Term element
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Characters with_talent
Characters with_talent
Items for_talent
Items for_talent
Crown of Insight
Items for_talent
Teachings of Resistance
Items for_talent
Guide to Resistance
Items for_talent
Philosophies of Resistance
Items for_talent
Damaged Mask
Items for_talent
Stained Mask
Items for_talent
Ominous Mask
Items for_talent
Dvalin's Plume