Genshin Impact
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Crimson Ooyoroi
Max charges
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Ignore cd reduction
Skill desc
Thoma spins his polearm, slicing at his foes with roaring flames that deal AoE Pyro DMG and weave themselves into a Scorching Ooyoroi.
Scorching Ooyoroi
While Scorching Ooyoroi is in effect, the active character's Normal Attacks will trigger Fiery Collapse, dealing AoE Pyro DMG and summoning a Blazing Barrier.
Fiery Collapse can be triggered once every 1s.
Except for the amount of DMG they can absorb, the Blazing Barriers created in this way are identical to those created by Thoma's Elemental Skill, Blazing Blessing:
·Absorbs Pyro DMG 250% more effectively.
·When a new Blazing Barrier is obtained, the remaining DMG Absorption of an existing Blazing Barrier will stack and its duration will be refreshed.
The maximum DMG Absorption of the Blazing Barrier will not exceed a certain percentage of Thoma's Max HP.
If Thoma falls, the effects of Scorching Ooyoroi will be cleared.
"I will not forget my initial promise. Let this burning flame protect those I cherish, and may it never be extinguished."
Term element
Talent parameters
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Talent parameters
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Characters with_talent
Characters with_talent
Items for_talent
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