Genshin Impact
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Claw and Thunder
Max charges
Energy value
Ignore cd reduction
Skill desc
Hunts his prey using the techniques taught to him by his master and his lupical.
Swings the Thunder Wolf Claw, dealing Electro DMG to opponents in front of Razor.
Upon striking an opponent, Razor will gain an Electro Sigil, which increases his Energy Recharge rate.
Razor can have up to 3 Electro Sigils simultaneously, and gaining a new Electro Sigil refreshes their duration.
Gathers Electro energy to unleash a lightning storm over a small AoE, causing massive Electro DMG, and clears all of Razor's Electro Sigils.
Each Electro Sigil cleared in this manner will be converted into Energy for Razor.
In the moment when lightning strikes, you can sometimes glimpse the look of a predator sizing up his prey deep within Razor's eyes.
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Talent parameters
Level up_cost
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Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
Level up_cost
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Characters with_talent
Characters with_talent
Items for_talent
Items for_talent
Teachings of Resistance
Items for_talent
Damaged Mask
Items for_talent
Guide to Resistance
Items for_talent
Stained Mask
Items for_talent
Philosophies of Resistance
Items for_talent
Ominous Mask
Items for_talent
Dvalin's Claw
Items for_talent
Crown of Insight