Genshin Impact
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Bamboo Shoot Soup
A soup dish that's been stewed for a good long while. The meat and ham have been diced into small pieces, and the soup has been kept on low heat till it turned milky white. The process has brought out the distinct flavors of both kinds of meat, making for an especially tasty soup.
Default unlock
Recipe category
Cook type
"Recovery Dish"
Cook method
Cook maxproficiency
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Recipe item
Recipe: Bamboo Shoot Soup
Items in_recipe
Items in_recipe
Raw Meat
Items in_recipe
Bamboo Shoot
Items in_recipe
Suspicious Bamboo Shoot Soup
Items in_recipe
Bamboo Shoot Soup
Items in_recipe
Delicious Bamboo Shoot Soup
Items in_recipe
Slow-Cooked Bamboo Shoot Soup
Items in_recipe
Furniture in_recipe
Weapons in_recipe