Genshin Impact
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Witch's Flower of Blaze

Witch's Flower of Blaze

Witch's Flower of Blaze
A flower touched by the witch who once dreamt of burning away all the demons in the world. The anonymous flames affectionately caress the hands of those who touch it.
Desc flavor
A common species of flower.
It is curiously capable of resisting the Crimson Witch's flames.

A crisis centuries ago dashed all hope of the maiden seeing the future promised to her.
Those dear to her, her past days, and her bright future. All gone.

From the ashes, the Crimson Witch of Flame was born, and she burned away her pain with fire.
Yet this flower stayed resilient, soft, and moist.
Perhaps both painful and beautiful memories were two sides of the same coin.
Artifact set
Crimson Witch of Flames
Term artifacttype
Flower of Life