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Wicked Mage's Plumule

Wicked Mage's Plumule

Wicked Mage's Plumule
This was once a decorative feather in someone's hat. Being dark green, it is quite eye-catching indeed.
Desc flavor
Where there are heroes, there must be wicked mages, and where there are knights, there must be evil dragons.
The hero would always wield a holy blade, while the mage might carry some kind of magical catalyst.
In the interstice between adventures, when the heroes and mages and knights and fell dragons had yet to be born,
They would always gaze upon the feather of an unknown bird species pinned to the Vice Director's hat.
That feather must hold many stories within it, the little adventurers thought to themselves,
And the Vice Director must have witnessed many tales, like an old heroine after her seclusion.
Or why would even the Director, who had promised to procure the feather for us, never be able to take it off?

"Now, now, β–ˆβ–ˆ, β–ˆβ–ˆ, do get along. Don't fight."
The two who would always play the knight and the fell dragon nodded reluctantly.
"And when I'm not around, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, you'll take care of β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, won't you?"
"The Director and I will be back once we have finished attending to business, so don't go running outside."
The Vice Director thought for a moment, and plucked the dark green feather from her hat before departing.
"You've wanted this for a while, haven't you, β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ? Alright then. Here you go."
"But I'm only giving this to you for safekeeping for a while, alright? I'll be quite cross if it gets dirty."

But in the end, this feather would never become the mystical staff used by some evil mage.
It would instead follow its new owner and reach the source of that which caused the calamity of parting, before returning to from whence it came...
Artifact set
Nymph's Dream
Term artifacttype
Plume of Death