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Viridescent Venerer's Diadem

Viridescent Venerer's Diadem

Viridescent Venerer's Diadem
A proud crown that once belonged to the Viridescent Venerer. It is as lush and green as the breezes of the wild.
Desc flavor
A hunter's hat without any blood stains.
In folklore, it belonged to the uncrowned queen of hunters β€” the Viridescent Venerer.

"Never become the foe of the earth and the forest." This was the hunters' rule.
Instead, a hunter should become a silent part of nature.
It is said that a bird once built its nest in this hat.

None could ever bestow a crown upon the queen of hunters,
since the only one superior to her was nature itself.

In the crisis that soon followed, her hunter's hat became
a frightful sight for monsters to behold.
Artifact set
Viridescent Venerer
Term artifacttype
Circlet of Logos