Genshin Impact
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Viridescent Venerer's Determination

Viridescent Venerer's Determination

Viridescent Venerer's Determination
A wondrous instrument that a hunter once wore. It forever points towards their prey.
Desc flavor
A delicate device used for wayfinding.

Legend has it that when the Viridescent Venerer walked barefoot on the fields,
the grass beneath her feet would tell her what the birds in the trees could see,
and the mud she trod on would tell her what the roots in the earth could hear.

But it is said that ever since disaster struck, the grass and trees never spoke again.
For the God of the Woods had died in the disaster.

Since then, she relied on this device for direction when hunting.
At the request of a boy she encountered, she ceased hunting birds and beasts.
Instead, she made the monsters that brought destruction and suffering her prey.
Artifact set
Viridescent Venerer
Term artifacttype
Sands of Eon