Genshin Impact
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Summer Night's Mask
A popular mask cast in the image of a deity, as described in the legends.
Desc flavor
The mask of one indwelt by a deity.
A mask that has been cast in the image of some legendary deity.

People will often take on the guise of the fox of legend,
Covering their faces with masks based on her divine visage,
Perhaps wishing that they might gain her ability of transformation.

In Inazuma's legends, everything has a spirit.
...But even so,
It is likely that most such beings would have long fled,
Driven into the forests by the suppression of the Shogun.

But many people still believe in these divine foxes and the ability to be indwelt by them...
They believe that thousands of years of age may confer power upon animals.
As such, they also believe in what this fox mask represents.

A note has been left on the back of this mask, written in a lovely hand.
"I'm sorry, I departed under the cover of the fireworks."
"We will most likely never meet again. Take care of yourself."
Artifact set
Retracing Bolide
Term artifacttype
Circlet of Logos