Genshin Impact
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Mask of Solitude Basalt

Mask of Solitude Basalt

Mask of Solitude Basalt
A solemn mask exquisitely carved from basalt. Its hollow eyes stare ahead expressionless and cold.
Desc flavor
It is said that during the years when gods contended against one another, Rex Lapis' aspect was that of boundless slaughter.
In those god-eat-god battles, one could never have ascribed gentleness to him.

He knew right from wrong, and never missed his mark: in those days of tumult, he would show no mercy, even to friends-turned-foes.
Rex Lapis' stone-cold expression never once changed throughout that storied age.

They say that only when the dust settled did he lay down that unmovable visage.
But it had been necessary, for he had donned it to fulfill a contract.
Artifact set
Archaic Petra
Term artifacttype
Circlet of Logos