Genshin Impact
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Heroes' Tea Party
A lovely teacup. Perhaps it was once used by people enjoying a leisurely afternoon together.
Desc flavor
Even the Narzissen champions would need to rest for a short time along the adventuring road.
When the clock sounded, many champions and mages, knights and evil dragons,
All forgot for a time the imprisoned princess and the treasures of the domains.
The dark clouds that shrouded the distant kingdom's skies temporarily faded away,
And the princess amid her agonized wait would turn her gaze from her window.
For when the knights depart, so too must the adventure be put on hold.
This is the universal rule the Narzissen champions follow, and many other tiny worlds do as well.
If one must ask why, then it is because the refreshments made by the Vice Director are far too delicious.

It was a gloomy afternoon... but that phrase seems to have little meaning.
For the new home she was going to was one that would not see the light of either sun or moon.
Here, the first person she met was the tall, pure Director.
And though she was even less sure of what to do than the little girl, she still greeted her with an embrace,
And got her clothes soaked for the trouble. The Vice Director was old enough to be the girl's mother.
Taking the girl by the hand, she brought her amongst the resting champions, knights, and evil dragons.
She thought that this was quite alright. In any case, the refreshments really were delicious.
Artifact set
Nymph's Dream
Term artifacttype
Goblet of Eonothem