Genshin Impact
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Goblet of the Sojourner

Goblet of the Sojourner

Goblet of the Sojourner
A plain porcelain goblet that was once brimming with joyous brews.
Desc flavor
A lyre has 4 strings.
The days he spent with his comrades in the "troupe" were probably the happiest in his life of wandering.
At first, it was just a chance meeting with the conductor β€” but for the invisible strings of fate.
First came the girl who used a flute as a sword, and then that fellow Kreuzlied β€” one by one, the traveler met them all.

In the joyous tavern, the lyrist introduced a maiden he had met by chance to his comrades amidst the singing and dancing.
The drunken traveler strummed the strings and sang in a loud voice.

With them by his side, he would never have to travel alone again...
Perhaps it would be alright to walk with them till journey's end.
Artifact set
Resolution of Sojourner
Term artifacttype
Goblet of Eonothem