Genshin Impact
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Feast of Boundless Joy

Feast of Boundless Joy

Feast of Boundless Joy
An opulent wine goblet that was once filled with nectar and honeydew, but is empty today.
Desc flavor
After the mistress of the orchard passed, the queen of grass and trees cut ties with the sea of sand.
Forsaking mad love and majesty, she chose to return to the rainforest and take up the path of defending life...
Thus did new life emerge from the forest, thus did the sages make a stir, and thus was a home fashioned.
Wild fantasy leads to inexorable death, and the metaphor of death cautions mortals.

The Khvarena of the flowers were born of the most exuberant of banquets and the purest of delights,
And within them was not to be found the tartness of asceticism, or the rank stench of authority.
Her final fate was inescapable death, to wither and dry up...
Only the Lord of Wisdom could learn from such, so as to properly safeguard and use it.

"But do not forget my great mistress's prophecy, for it was she who sent me unto you."
"Folly shall yet not kill mortals, but the wild tide of darkness from beyond this world will sweep all away still."
"I am the final remnant of my mistress. I am the floral essence that cleanses all."
"Should I join with the purest water, I shall burst, even as the pomegranates do, into countless rays of light."

And thus was the divine bird Simurgh born from the Khvarena of the flowers,
Staying by her master's side for a time before flying to the flowery sea...
Artifact set
Vourukasha's Glow
Term artifacttype
Goblet of Eonothem