Genshin Impact
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Concert's Final Hour
An hourglass used to keep time during a band performance. It once made a crisp sound, but their performance has since ended.
Desc flavor
The troupe's hourglass, which is also a harp.
The tune becomes deeper with the passage of time.

When the performance was coming to an end, the troupe would play this harp.
As time passed, the tune of the harp became deeper.
The sound of the harp dying down marked the end of the show.

Everything has an end, and the troupe was no exception.
One by one, each member of the troupe met their fate and their instruments were buried deep in the dust.
As the harp fell silent, the final sound heard from the musical troupe was the faint trickle of sand as it slid down the hourglass one final time.
Artifact set
Wanderer's Troupe
Term artifacttype
Sands of Eon