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Qingce Cloud Residence

Qingce Cloud Residence

Furnishing Set Blueprint
A detailed step-by-step blueprint for making a "Qingce Cloud Residence."
A mountain hamlet modeled after Qingce Village. It is said that the friendly atmosphere there is infectious and that visitors who enter will find themselves calmed and more appreciative of simple joys that they may have once forgotten.
To head out in pursuit of one's ideals and spend one's years magnificently chasing a career is certainly praiseworthy. But after spending so long on such endeavors, one may eventually tire. When that happens, a quiet and peaceful life out in the countryside remains a good choice. Qingce Village has always maintained its acceptance of young folk who head out to seek their fortunes, and is ready to welcome them back with open arms at any time.
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This Furnishing Set is favored by the following companions: Xinyan, Xiao, Hu Tao, Qiqi, Shenhe, Yelan, Yaoyao, Xianyun
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