Genshin Impact
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Gust of Nostalgia
A feather carried over by whimpering sea winds and crimson waves. The passage of time has changed its shape and color.
Desc flavor
A red feather is an ill omen, perhaps even a portent of death.
It washed ashore one day together with the corpse of a great sea creature.

The cynical Chief Mate was no native of Liyue. Rather, he came from a gray land ruled by an aristocracy.
All said that he, too, was once such a noble, but that he must have disgraced his house and been turned out as a result.
That was but baseless hearsay, however, for when he first came to the harbor, he carried naught but a slim sword,
And a small sapphire-blue feather pinned to his mantle.

Later, the wanderer would throw in with the Skipper and set out to sea, contending with great waves and sea creatures alike.
That once azure-blue feather would also be stained red by blood and by the salt of the great ocean.

In his last moment,
He clearly recalled those days now drowned in drink.
Like treasure in the sand brought to light by the lapping waves...
Artifact set
Heart of Depth
Term artifacttype
Plume of Death