Genshin Impact
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Goblet of Thundering Deep

Goblet of Thundering Deep

Goblet of Thundering Deep
A faded wine cup that was unintentionally dredged up from the sea. Its dull exterior tells of the days it has spent beneath the waves.
Desc flavor
A faded, but finely-crafted wine cup,
Ground down by the sands in the sea's depths.

The exquisite cup fell from the Chief Mate's hand, raising tiny ripples as it hit the ocean surface.
What did it see amid the schools of fish in the dying light?
What had he encountered amidst the silent alleys, before the bars of the flower-inlaid windows of a secret tryst?
Down and down the dark gold cup sank, into the dreams of the sea monster, and into the dreams of the Chief Mate...

"Someday, I will return the favor for this mark of humiliation that you left upon me."
The moonlight illuminated sapphire eyes and that striking scar.
In his memory, her countenance grew brighter, beautiful, cold and proud,
But he had forgotten what he had said then, and grew suddenly despondent as a result.

"Come to think of it, how many times have I forgotten the past..."

"Ha, does it matter how you retell the past?"
"All deaths are in vain. There is no saving that which has already sunk."
Artifact set
Heart of Depth
Term artifacttype
Goblet of Eonothem