Genshin Impact
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Crown of the Brave
A rough-and-ready laurel wreath that seems as precious as a king's golden crown.
Desc flavor
The little hero entered the deep, mysterious forest, and henceforth walked the path of resistance.
His best playmate played the role of the champion knight of the aristocracy.

"Like a lion I stride the battlefield, like she did a thousand years before."
"Songs I will inspire with my sword, to give to generations to come."

Their toy greatswords and tree branches clashed in their fierce duel—
Till at last the hero won the day, and seized the aristocrats' crowns from their heads.

Many years later, this wreath of flowers, though crudely made,
Would seem more precious still than the power a master of knights held...
Artifact set
Brave Heart
Term artifacttype
Circlet of Logos