Genshin Impact
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Chalice of the Font
This teacup forever overflows with fresh water. Perhaps it was a gift from an adeptus, one of their relics, or just something they left behind.
Desc flavor
This was originally a gift from a friend, linked to a small realm within.
The spring within the chalice would never dry up, making it a fine place to temporarily stay.
It could hold a reflection of the sun and moon, and could play host to swimming fish.

Compared to the ill-fate accorded to the Yaksha, she believed that she was luckier by far.
But the price for inheriting the ancient rites was to never spend much time on land.
In those days, the sweet waters did not flow across Liyue in such abundance.
The harbor-city beneath the mountains and the gathering in the plains was, to her, a distant dream.
But that person, ever afraid of trouble, decided to set off with this teacup in hand.

This "Liyue Harbor" she spoke of would almost certainly be as full of flaws as a village ceremony.
This journey would surely be full of arguments, struggle, and many troubles.
She knew that they both quite enamored with their gifts of the gab, but much less with crowds.
Nowhere else in this world could you find two adepti as small as they, envious and fearing prosperity in equal measure.

"But we had promised each other many things in the past, and this is very good."
As they were to leave, she thought thus.
"Well, at least this trip will be interesting. I can introduce her to some other old friends."

Later, the brazier and tea kettle would come into common use, and the teacup's shape, too, was taken up by people.
And thus did everyone become able to have the moon on their desk and hold it in their palms.
Artifact set
Echoes of an Offering
Term artifacttype
Goblet of Eonothem