Genshin Impact
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Capricious Visage
A well-preserved ceremonial fox mask. A small, enigmatic smile ever graces its lips.
Desc flavor
A bright and elegant festival mask that once belonged to a certain miko.
A faint smile curls the edges of the mask's lips, but there is no real light in its eyes.

I've spent much time training at the Grand Shrine, and I must say that I've matured a lot.
At the very least, I'm not as foolish as I was when I was young, and I'm more independent now.
But for some reason, the more I grow, the more Lady Saiguu's face seems to fall under a shadow.
What emerges on her face is not anxiety nor fear, but rather a sorrowful reluctance...

"Life is full of uncertainty. Love is fleeting, and even lasting memories may be lost."
"Losing one's memory is no different from losing one's life. It is like death amidst darkness eternal."

This time, even a faint smile could not conceal her sorrow.
Though this is a festive day, it seems more like a farewell.

"Right, then. Why don't you tell me about the idiot Konbumaru?"
"What's wrong? Still afraid that an old hag like me will steal him from you?"
Artifact set
Shimenawa's Reminiscence
Term artifacttype
Circlet of Logos