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Bloodstained Chevalier's Goblet

Bloodstained Chevalier's Goblet

Bloodstained Chevalier's Goblet
The dark metallic vessel owned by the Bloodstained Knight. Its exterior has been stained as black as the night by smoke and coagulated blood.
Desc flavor
Originally an exquisite silver goblet with gold engravings depicting the feats of a chivalrous knight.
But blood and smoke have stained the cup beyond recognition.

Covered in blood, the knight who slayed demons returned from the scourged battlefield,
Only to find that those awaiting his rescue were nowhere to be found among the burning, collapsed houses.

Defeated, the Bloodstained Knight took the smoke-blackened goblet,
and vowed to rid the world of monsters, of poverty and of evil.
Artifact set
Bloodstained Chivalry
Term artifacttype
Goblet of Eonothem