Genshin Impact
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A Time of Insight
Such timepieces are used by those who dedicate themselves to the way of the wise. These timepieces do not contain lifeless sand, but instead play host to tiny mustard seeds.
Desc flavor
The ancient legends say that the lord of the forest was immortal,
As they at life's end would melt into the forest,
Their claws would become metal and wood, and their stripes would become an endless maze,
And their smoldering eyes would become the moon in both the sky and the water.
All things that die will gain new life in some other form.
All things that decay will sprout pure and tender new shoots.

"But those souls who had been destroyed by death, memories that are eternally lost,"
"Is there a place for them in the cycle of life and death?"

"The soul is a void concept, and memories must one day return to the land."
"What is there to worry about if something that was always void were to fade away?"
"Rather, remind and support one another, such that everyone's image will be remembered forever."
"Thus shall we defeat the natural cycle of life and death, and preserve memory forever!"

Much later, the friends who had agreed to remind one another would be infected with the wicked disease of forgetfulness.
According to the image of the three people and three spirits that had not been wholly forgotten,
And the records and conjectures left behind by the mad scientist who was expelled by the academy,
The dream had to be captured β€” along with the inhabitants of the forest who could control dreams,
To remind that friend once again of one's own form and the memories that were shared.

If the organ that governs memory has taken too much damage and cannot be healed,
Then bring another old friend and dwell in dreams of the past together,
Play in a small tree house, and explore the limitless depth of the jungle.
Yes, that would be nice as well. For in dreams, everyone has a chance to start over.

But first, those dream spirits must be captured.
Those sellswords once did much for me.
I trust they will not disappoint this time, either.
Artifact set
Deepwood Memories
Term artifacttype
Sands of Eon